This is an excerpt from the book Lead Yourself to Better Health by Dr. Terry Kibiloski
What do others see when they experience your friendly self? What do you see when you experience your friendly self? There is an old saying, “to have a friend, be a friend.” Are you a friend to others? Do you accept them for who they are? Do you love them unconditionally? Do you energize them? Do you encourage them? Do you motivate them to do their best? Do you respect their personal beliefs? Do you allow them to be their true selves when they are around you?
Who do you consider to be the perfect friend? What qualities, attitudes, personality, and attributes do you see in a perfect friend? As a friend to others, do you personify this image?
Many see the perfect friend as someone who is safe to be around, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, professionally, and financially. Someone who accepts, understands, encourages, motivates, empathizes, and listens without judging. We all like people who are fun to be around, and who bring out the best in us.
In my travels to more than 30 countries, I have met people from many different cultures and realized that being your “friendly” self is the best form of communication. There were countries where I could not speak their language and they could not speak mine, but through gestures, hugs, handshakes, smiles, acceptance, laughter, and respect, we soon became friends, most times in just a few minutes of being our friendly selves.
There is a great deal of wisdom in the old expression, “to have a friend, be a friend.” A simple smile, a kind gesture, or sharing a small bit of your time with others, can be a gift that is never forgotten. Think about giving the gift of your friendly self to everyone you meet. You will soon find that the relationships you form with others will be rich beyond your wildest dreams.

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