This is an excerpt from the book Lead Yourself to Better Health by Dr. Terry Kibiloski
Expanding your dream is a natural occurrence as you expand your health in all aspects of your life. As you lead yourself to better health, and your energy and confidence increase, you will naturally expand your horizons. This is just the beginning of your new adventure.
The key word here is YOUR new adventure, YOUR life, YOUR dream. You do not need anyone’s permission to follow your dream, change your dream, or expand your dream. You are in control.
As you develop a new understanding of the principles of a healthier physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, financial, and professional life, you will begin to see that anything is possible for you. Your earlier self-imposed limitations will be forgotten. You will have a realistic new confidence to pursue and achieve anything and everything. If you can imagine it, you will be able to make it come true.
When Norman Vincent Peale said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world,” he understood that we have great influence over our own destiny. We are responsible for our own lives. We can make our own dreams come true.

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