Dr. Terry Kibiloski is an accomplished author, motivational and holistic health speaker, Reiki master, nationally certified medical massage therapist, publisher, editor, professor, radio host, and life coach.
The late Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of his earliest mentors and guides, and a well known author of motivational books, gave Dr. Kibiloski permission to use his materials in any way that he saw proper.

Biographical Information – Dr. Terry Kibiloski
- Highly energized and interesting motivational and holistic health speaker
- Author of Get the Most from Yourself (http://getthemostfromyourself.com)
- Developed successful motivational and holistic health workshops and seminars for U.S. Air Force, corporate, government, educational, and non-profit agencies, universities, high schools, FBLA, PBL, churches and youth groups
- Co-founder of the Passionist Center in Louisville, KY
- Reiki master and nationally certified medical massage therapist
- Motivational life coach (http://getthemostfromyourself.com)
- Editor / owner of Computer Times (http://computertimes.com)
- Hosted The Computer Adventure radio show / Recurring guest on British and American radio talk shows
- Professor of leadership, business, management, marketing, information technology, and professional development at Sullivan University
- Retired U.S. Air Force officer
- PhD in leadership
- MA in computer resource management and human resource management
- BBA in accounting and business (successfully passed CPA exam)
- AS in medical massage therapy
- AS in computer science
- Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
- Personal financial management counselor
- Marquis Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who Will Be Who In The 21st Century.
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