This is an excerpt from the book Lead Yourself to Better Health by Dr. Terry Kibiloski
We are naturally emotional beings. Emotions are generally subjective, linked to how we interpret a particular stimuli or experience. They present themselves as intentional, or unintentional, through outward signs like body language and facial expressions, as well as physical reactions, like blushing.
Emotions can be very helpful. They can arouse us to take action; motivate us to initiate some behavior; help us to cope with a difficult situation; encourage us to express ourselves through art, poetry, literature, and conversations; assist with better social interactions by identifying what others are feeling; and guide us in our reaction to others, as we are attracted or warned to move away.
Both social and professional health depends upon your emotional intelligence (EI), which is the way you deal with your own and other peoples’ emotions. It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses, what you feel and why, to know your needs and to develop constructive ways to meet them. Empathy and social skills are extremely important for social and professional success. It is important to know how to understand other peoples’ emotions through there facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. It is equally important to be able to understand your own emotions and know how to manage them in all social and profession interactions.

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